
Friday, March 30, 2012

The Pinterest Problem: an update

Apparently I'm one of the only people to talk about Pinterest's copyright issues and other problems, or one of the first to anyway, because my October 2011 post "The Pinterest Problem" continues to get hits-- especially as the site grows.

And apparently it's a hot topic, because Pinterest has updated it's Terms of Service.

Of note, an update relevant to my previous post:
We released simpler tools for anyone to report alleged copyright or trademark infringements.
They're also apparently outlawing Thinspo or Pro-Mia type pictures (I did notice some of those disturbing pics on there last year, amid the chevron-print cookies and DIY chair makeovers) and paving the way for private pinboards. Private pinboards, that annoys me... isn't the point of Pinterest to share and discover new things that others have pinned?

Finally, they pulled a reversal on their previous "NewsCorp buys MySpace" type of service term:
Our original Terms stated that by posting content to Pinterest you grant Pinterest the right for us to sell your content. Selling content was never our intention and we removed this from our updated Terms.
I'll end this post by first pointing out that the site is now getting much, much more attention from mainstream media as opposed to just from shelter, fashion, food and tech blogs. I now have twice as many Facebook friends on Pinterest compared with when the year began. Changes are bound to come with such attention.

And, since I hate doing posts without pictures, here are some of my most recent pins:

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